Thursday, November 22, 2007
The Tiffany And Co Christmas Commercial
several days ago to not publish anything, it is not disinterest but because I am in a small part in restructuring, and work. In fact the staff is restructured, for better or for worse, is in each one choose the right direction. One
adversity sometimes withdraws psychologically and physically, we feel that the problems we are overwhelmed, we drown, this in turn will generate other problems: pain, contractures, sleep problems, withdrawal their emotional environment, etc ... I did a post with this sort of thing. What I do is just confirm for the umpteenth time, the importance of maintaining the center, focus, clear, the objective in the medium to long term, and with the same clarity of mind, things are ordered and flowing.
Eye, with this I'm not saying that I have clear and there must be a Jedi and all goes well, no, I'm trying to share a method of thinking and sometimes that my life has helped me a lot ... also Sometimes I have hurt, but because I could not administer or handle them accordingly.
Obviously as I explained in a moment, this does not sit around waiting for change, but you need to generate self, going by providing the conditions for change, constantly studying the environment, the reaction of people around us, and keep practicing it that I like is the Aikido ... use the power of another to achieve a goal provided that the purpose not involving harm to anyone. The concept is simple, in aikido we learn constantly to cool the head, and react to an attack in a controlled, strong and beneficial, the same is what I try to transfer to everyday life.
I feel that every time I practice Aikido I'm getting better as a person, may seem too idealistic or too base my thinking, but after all, I think many of the things that happen every day ends working out with basic things, and unfortunately sometimes a tangled and makes them more difficult than they are. It is a simplistic idea is to try to learn to work things out from its origin, "attacking" the base, facing the solution from the root of the problem. I really used a lot.
This is one of the many concepts that I learned of this beautiful martial art that goes far beyond preparing to defend against physical assault, the point is to anticipate, to harness the energy of the "attacker" or add it to the problem and mine own to achieve the double of what I wanted. This applies in all areas of our lives.
Sounds simple, I said that not always possible, but certainly today could have gone much further than I am, but nobody is going to head out this long and difficult path allows me to be better every day. My issue is not aikido practitioner renowned for his ability and physical dexterity or reach astronomical graduations. My goal looks at the concept, the improvement of the individual.
As Sensei says a friend, "Every day I learn something new from everyone and everything" ... I am currently going through a career that brings me great satisfaction on the one hand and many disappointments on the other, I will not go into details, and thanks to aikido I'm getting to the balance always positive. This is neither the formula let alone success, is purely and simply the description of my daily experience.
My intention is to thank life for giving me this opportunity of learning, having known many people who gave me many things and having the family I have, but sometimes seems not to value their support and affection. Sorry
catharsis, on the other hand I have received many comments about the blog is intended for people who love to understand or practice of a martial art ... well, so my idea is to share and disseminate knowledge, is the expression of my passion ... do not have to read it or to approve it. We
contact. Paul
Saturday, November 17, 2007
The Best Malpractice Insurance For Rn

The Art of Peace: Wisdom in the art
For the first time in Argentina and a few times seen in the world, Nobuyoshi Tamura Shihan - a direct disciple of O'Sensei (Morihei Ueshiba) - and Yoshimitsu Yamada Shihan - 8th Dan-issued a joint seminar at the Center Galicia, on Calle Bartolomé Mitre Capital Federal where he placed a tatami 1500 square meters and there was Red Marcial. This event took place on 10 and 11 November.
"It exceeded all expectations, it met everything organized in time and, well, we all had a great weekend. We highlight the excellent organization and professor who delivered the Shihan" said Leonardo Sakanashi Sensei, 4th Dan, who along with Shihan Sakanashi Maasafumi , 6 º Dan and Director of the Center for Dissemination of Aikido (CDA), organized this popular seminar. More than a thousand
aikidokas of Mexico, Venezuela, Spain, Chile, Uruguay, Spain, Holland, France, Germany and other parts of Argentina met on 10 and 11 November to receive and train with two great figures from the world of Aikido, in what was one of the best seminars in the country .
note is the effort that was made from the beginning of the year "When you are organizing should address both the teachers are good, but also the convenience of practitioners. In order to complete a good seminar everyone needs to be well, so you try to stop all armed " Sakanashi Shihan said in one of the last interviews in the middle, before the seminar.
Back to basics
Over Both teachers were impressed with his technique, in the kind of Tamura Sensei, training consisted, first of breaths (which favor the vital organs), followed of ukemis (fall) and advanced techniques of stretching attack. Kokyuho ended with a technique that serves to handle the opponent's strength. Yamada Sensei
continued the seminar with iriminage techniques (defense) from different attacks, the quest for precision in the basic techniques, such as morotetori kokyuho and yokomenuchi shihonage (5 º kyu techniques) to finish with the free practice ever since yokomenuchi attacking (attacking the neck with the palm).
After practice, were invited to share refreshments with a group of teachers and thus be able to talk face to face. There, students evacuated doubts about the true meaning of Aikido.
Then, Tamura Shihan, between his ideas expressed "What you think his head is becoming little by little .. actually is not thinking about nothing started practicing, I achieve the same between thought and reality, if you feel internally that are going to see another world .. . Have to go looking for the feeling within the movement or joy within that movement, that way I think is the aikido "
Interview with teachers
Marcial Red covered the event from start to end, so that also gave him a talk time with teachers lecturers, who commented expectations of their visit and bequeathed their full wisdom.
For his part, Yamada Shihan said "I have come to renew friendship within and off the mat, I have nothing new to teach, and the most important thing is always back to basics, in aikido, it is important to repeat the same things " said.
Similarly, added" It is not my first time in Argentina, but this year I would like to visit the Iguazu Falls, I feel at home and probably returned by the end of next year "
On the other hand, Tamura Shihan said humble spirit" This practice is to train people like me who can understand this idea, start practice understanding the formation, if they are happily continue to practice, if not like, leave insurance, so the important thing is that I enjoy. "
He added " Recently I got but I have really wanted to meet and hear a bit of tango, but I am not a good singer nor a good dancer " joked.
With regard to work together, Tamura Sensei said" When Yamada Sensei saved me many things that I need, I supplement, I I'm not very attentive so I always challenge my wife, and Yamada sensei is very helpful and always saves me. I say this with great humility .
Finally, Tamura Sensei topped the interview with a message to all the world aikidokas "The main thing is to practice for one is happy. Aikido is to look to himself, not that I say or not, whether one likes, is searching and growing every day. Everyone has to find their needs to evolve. Over the years is that one is discovered, there is no precise age "
In conclusion, it is necessary to add that this seminar has become history in the world of Aikido, not only because of success but also the quality of the teachers who deliver it.