Saturday, April 30, 2011

Science Fair Project On Paper Towels

Dejate're one of my reasons

"The world is a mess.
Martin reacted.
- No, Alexandra! In the world there are many nice things!
She looked at him, perhaps thinking of his poverty, his mother, in her solitude:
was still able to find wonders the world!
A wry smile was superimposed on the first expression of tenderness
making catch, like an acid on a very delicate skin.
- What?
- Many, Alejandra! Martin cried her hand clutching a
on his chest. That music ... a man ...
Vania and especially you, Alejandra ... you ...

Tx: Ernesto Sabato, On Heroes and Tombs Valebé

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Creamer Replacing Milk

Theft Changing my nights

I will confess that last night I have stolen more than a kiss. For fear that you go. Fearing that do not come back. To give you an excuse. To return to call.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Outletmarithe Francois Girbaud

What's with the new pillows?
I come to confess something, a banality, without importance or significance for you, but hardly the cause of my insomnia. It feels horrible, dreadful, which has been repeated since exactly five nights, when for reasons that are irrelevant (allergy and attentive mother, protective and concerned) I changed my pillow. Since that fateful night I took my precious rectangle de esponja y algodones, no puedo dormir en paz. Siento que me han cambiado de amante sin siquiera preguntarme. Han manoteado entre mis más profundas sensaciones quitándome a mi cuidadora, mi compañía, mi compañera. Me la quitaron, me la cambiaron, me la escondieron. Y a cambio obtuve otro pedazo de esponja (bastante más plástico) donde descansar (¡descansar! ¡Hace cinco noches que no lo logro!) mi cabeza. Pensé que bastaría con unos pocos minutos para acomodar mi cuello a esa nueva altura. ¡Pero no! Es alguien, es algo completamente distinto. Hasta su olor es otro; detalle en el que nunca pensé que iría a detenerme. El olor de mi propia almohada, ¡por favor! Pero es another, one very different. And it's not mine, nor is yours. And never will be. Let everyone know: this is not mine! This new piece of foam covered with a white cover is an intruder. Do not know me or knows my tastes, or my long nights, no confessions. Not so many years my pillow, and my companion, and I will be easy to get used.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Gay Cruising North Tyneside

Deeper, deeper

Offshore, offshore
and fund weightlessness
where dreams come true,
meet two wills
to fulfill a desire.

A kiss life goes on
with lightning and thunder,
and metamorphosis
my body is not and my body is
how to penetrate the center of the universe:

The embrace more childish,
and purest kisses
until we are reduced
in a single desire:

Your eyes and my eyes
like an echo, repeating silently:
deeper, deeper,
up beyond all
by blood and bones.

But I always awaken
and always want to be dead
to continue with my mouth
tangled in your hair.

Tx: Alejandro Amenábar, The Sea Inside sing better. I know how to sing. I have heard.