Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Lorena Herrera En Traje De Baño

Philologie ist die Kunst zu lesen langsam

F. Nietzsche, "Morgenröthe" Vorrede 5, in Sämtliche Werke. Kritische Studienausgabe (KSA) 3, hg. G. von Colli und M. Montinari, Munich (1980, 1988) Neuausgabe 1999, Seite 17.
(free version in English by Gabriela Brown)
philology is that venerable art who practice it requires one thing above all, out of the way, given time, become quiet, go slow "is like the art of metal working, but applied to the knowledge of words: a trade must be exercised with simplicity, precision, care, and in which no results are obtained if we proceed slowly. That is why the philology is now more necessary than ever, precisely because it draws us and seduces us with such insistence amidst this era of "work", the speed, the obscene and sweaty haste he wants "all figured out" immediately, including new and old books. Philology itself does not solve anything so easy: it teaches to read well, that is, to read slowly, deeply, with care and prudence, to read ulterior motives, with the doors open, read with tenderness eyes and fingers ...

"Philologie ist nämlich jene ehrwürdige Kunst, welche von ihrem vor Allem verehren heischt Eins, bei Seite gehn, sich Zeit lassen, still werden, langsam werden - als eine und-kennerschaft Goldschmiedekunst des Worte, die loud fine and careful work has nothing to dismiss achieved if they do not reach lento. Just so, but it is needed today more than ever, precisely because it attracts and fascinates us the most, in the middle of an age of 'work', will say that the hurry, of indecent and perspiring haste, which are the same with everything ready ' will, with every old and new book: - it is even not so easy any which finished she teaches to read well, that is, slow, deep, back and carefully, with ulterior motives, read left open doors, with delicate fingers and eyes ... "

Saturday, December 6, 2008

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The Art of Peace

As simple celebration of my birthday, I give you an excerpt from this wonderful text Ueshiba O Sensei, with lots of content zen ... enjoy it.

The Art of Peace begins with you. Work on yourself and the task you assigned in the Art of Peace. Everyone has a spirit that can be refined, a body that can be trained in a certain way, a suitable path to follow. You are here with the sole purpose of realizing your inner divinity and manifest your innate enlightenment. Stokes peace in your own life and then apply the art to everything you find.
No need buildings, money, power or prestige to practice Art of Peace. The sky is exactly where you stand and that is the place to train. All things, material and spiritual, arising from the same source and are related as if they were a family. The past, present and future are contained in the life force. The universe emerged and developed from a single source, and we evolved through the optimal process of unification and harmonization.
The Art of Peace is medicine for a sick world. In the world there are evil and disorder because people have forgotten that all things emanate from one source. Return to that source and leave behind all self-centered thought, every desire petty and all anger. Those possessed by nothing possess everything.

If you have not joined the real emptiness

never understand The Art of Peace

ElArte of Peace works everywhere on earth, from the vastness of space to the smallest plant or animal smaller . The life force is all-pervasive and its strength is limited. The Art of Peace allows us to perceive and use this vast reservoir of universal energy.

Eight forces sustain creation: Movement and stillness
Solidification and fluidity, Extension and contraction
Unification and division.

Life is growth. If we stop the growth technique and spiritually, we are as useful as corpses. Art of Peace is a celebration of the bond of heaven, earth and mankind. It's all true, good and beautiful. Again and again you'll need to withdraw from deep mountains and hidden valleys to restore your relationship with the source of life. Inhale and let raise to the edge of the universe; loop and let the cosmos back inside you. Then aspires fertility and vitality of the earth. Finally, combining the breath of heaven and the breath of earth with your own, transformándote in the Breath of Life itself.

All the principles of heaven and earth are living inside you. Life itself is the truth and this will never change. Everything in heaven and on earth, breathe. Breath is the thread that binds to the creation and holds it together. When the myriad variations of the universal breath can be perceived, born individual techniques of the Art of Peace.

Consider the ebb and flow of the tide. When the waves come to strike the shore, rise and fall causing a sound. Your breath should follow the same pattern, absorbing the entire universe in your belly with each inhalation. Know that everyone has access to four treasures: the energy from the sun and moon, the breath of heaven, the breath of the earth and the ebb and flow of the tide.

Those who practice the art Peace must protect the realm of Mother Nature, the divine reflection of creation, and keep it beautiful and fresh. The quality of the Warrior gives rise to the natural beauty. The subtle techniques of a warrior arise as naturally as they appear in spring, summer, autumn and winter. The quality of the warrior is not nothing but the vitality that sustains all life.

When life is victorious, there is birth, when impaired, there is death. The warrior is permanently dedicated to a life or death struggle for Peace.

contemplates the works of this world, listen to the words of the wise and take everything that is good as own. With this as base, open your own door to truth. No despise the truth that is right before you. Observe how water flows in a valley stream, smoothly and freely between the rocks. Learns from the holy books and wise people. Everything - including rivers and mountains, plants and trees - should be your teacher. Create

getting dressed every day again with heaven and earth, wisdom and love you bathing getting high in the heart of Mother Nature.

not let
learn from The pure voice of Arroyo

That mountain springs eternal rocks Splash

Peace originates with the flow of things, your heart is like the movement of wind and waves. The Way is like the veins that circulate blood through our bodies, following the natural course of life force. If you are separated even a bit of the divine essence, you're away from the Path.

Your heart is full of fertile seeds waiting to sprout. Just as a lotus flower emerges from the mud at its best, the interaction of cosmic breath causes the flower spirit to bear fruit in this world. Study the teachings of the pine, bamboo and plum blossom. The pine is evergreen, firmly rooted and venerable. Bamboo is strong, resistant unbreakable. The plum blossom is vigorous, fragrant and elegant. Always keep your mind as bright and clear as the vast sky, the great ocean and the highest peak, empty of all thought. Always keep your body full of light and heat. Filled yourself with the power of wisdom and enlightenment. As soon as you take care of "good" and "evil" of your fellows, you create an opening in your heart by coming malice. Browse compete and criticize others will weaken and defeat you.

The penetrating brilliance of swords held by the followers of the road, hit the evil enemy hidden deep inside their own bodies and souls.
The Art of Peace is not easy. Is a fight to the end, the killing of evil desires and falsehood interior. Sometimes, the Voice of Peace resounds like thunder, jolting human beings and taking them out of their lethargy.

crystal clear, sharp and bright
, sacred sword

The site does not support
To accommodate evil.

To practice properly the Art of Peace, you must: Calm the spirit and
return to the source.
Delete all malice, selfishness and desire to cleanse the body and spirit.
feel eternal gratitude for the gifts received from the universe, your family, Mother Nature and your peers.

The Art of Peace is based on Big Four Virtues: Courage, Wisdom, Love and Friendship, symbolized by Fire, Heaven, Earth and Water.
The essence of the Art of Peace is to cleanse your being with malice, in harmony with your environment and clear your path of all obstacles and barriers. The only cure

couple materialism is the cleansing of the six senses (eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind). If the senses are clogged, the perception is blurred. The more turbid the perception, the more you pollute the senses. This creates disorder in the world and that is the greatest evil. Refine your heart, free the six senses and let them function without obstruction, and your whole body and soul shine.

All life is a manifestation of the spirit, the manifestation of love. And the Art of Peace is the purest form of that principle. A warrior is responsible for stopping all discussion and all fight. Universal love functions in different ways, each manifestation must be allowed free expression. The Art of Peace is true democracy.

Each and every one of the masters, regardless of time or place, received the call and attained harmony with heaven and earth. There are many paths that lead to the summit of Mount Fuji, but there is only one summit: love. The loyalty and devotion are the brave. Courage leads to the spirit of sacrifice. The spirit of sacrifice creates trust in the power of love.

The economy is the foundation of society. When the economy is stable, society develops. The ideal economy unites the spiritual and material, and the best trade goods which are sincerity and love.

The Art of Peace does not rely on weapons or brute force to succeed, instead we fine-tuned with the universe, maintain peace in our areas, nurture life and avoid death and destruction. The true meaning of the term samurai is one who serves and adheres to the power of love .

houses and refines the warrior spirit while serving
your service in the world;
Illuminates the Path according to the interior light.

The Path of Peace is extremely broad, reflecting the intent of both worlds, manifest and hidden. The Warrior is the living temple of the divine, which is to serve that purpose. Your mind should be harmonized with the workings of the universe, your body, the movement of the universe, body and mind form a unit that is unified with the activity of the universe. Even though our Path is completely different from the warrior arts of the past is not necessary to abandon totally the old ways. Absorb venerable traditions in the new Art Magazine with fresh clothes and builds on classic styles to create better forms. Dear

Sunday, November 16, 2008

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Song of Myself (51)

de Walt Whitman

(free version in English by Gabriela Brown)

The past and present wilt. The
I will complete my next sheet of the future.
When you hear up there:
What you have to tell me?
Look into my eyes as I breathe the stealthy advance of the night.
(Talk honestly, no one listens to you,
and I stay only a few minutes)
What I contradict myself?
Okay, I contradict myself.
(I am large, I contain multitudes)
Me interest that are nearby.
hope here at the door.
Who has done his daily work today?
Who will be the fastest finish dinner?
Who wants to walk with me?
you going to talk before I go?
Or prove your existence too late?


Song of Myself (51) Walt Whitman

The past and present wilt - I Have Them fill'd, empties Them, And
Proceed to fill my next fold of the future.
Listener up there! What have you to confide to me?
Look in my face while I snuff the sidle of evening,
(Talk honestly, no one else hears you, and I stay only a minute longer.)
Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself,
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)
I concentrate toward them that are nigh, I wait on the door-slab.
Who has done his day's work? who will soonest be through with his supper?
Who wishes to walk with me?
Will you speak before I am gone? will you prove already too late?

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Dezonagesony Dvp Sr200p

to follow the path

adept at martial arts ... thanks to Google technology, we can now form a community to interact more, you are more informed and connected with each other.
All we have to do is subscribe to this blog (see right menu) and register as "followers" of the path. This
receive the latest information is published, they may make comments just received notification of the new publication, and not have to be remembering to enter the blog every so often.

also included a survey to find out what other topics may be of interest to all and start posting about it.

I appreciate the time spent so far and welcome to cooperate with whatever they believe can improve this blog.

Hugs. Paul

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De raptu Proserpinae (frag.) 2.273 to 306

Claudian Claudio
(free version in English by Gabriela Brown)
The hard God, overcome by these words and the dignity of the crying, feels the anxiety of first love. Then she dried her eyes with her dark blue cloak and comforts her sad pain in a calm tone: "Let your mind be troubled, Proserpina, with worry and fear bleak nonsense. It will offer senior kingdoms and not suffer the marriage of a husband unworthy. I am the son of Saturn, I submit the structure of the universe and my power extends into the infinite void. Do not believe the day lost. We have other stars, we have other regions. You will see a purer light, will look with great admiration the sun Elisio and pious people. There is a most valuable age, race lives have forever gold and what the inhabitants of the area were once. Nor'll have plenty of soft grass, there radiate their fragrance to better zephyrs flowers that are eternal, not like you gave your Etna. In our lush forests are also rich tree, which has tilted the bright branches of the live weight of metal. Will be devoted to you You retain opulent fall and always be full of yellow fruit. I say little. All that embraces the transparent air, all that nourishes the earth, everything that drag the sea, which stir the rivers, which were grown in the gaps and all that lives above the lunar cycle, around the seventh sky and separates mortals from the eternal stars, assign equal to your powers. At your feet come the kings who wear purple when put aside the luxury and mix with the crowd humble (all equals death). You shall be to punish the guilty, the grant rest to the fair. With you as a judge, the criminals will be forced to declare the evil deeds cometidas en vida. Recibe, junto con la corriente del Leteo, a las Parcas como esclavas: que lo que desees sea el destino.”
De raptu Proserpinae (frag.) 2,273-306
de Claudius Claudianus
Talibus ille ferox dictis fletuque decoro
uincitur et primi suspiria sensit amoris.
tunc ferrugineo lacrimas detergit amictu
et placida maestum solatur uoce dolorem:
‘desine funestis animum Proserpina, curis
et uano uexare metu. maiora dabuntur
sceptra nec indigni taedas patiere mariti.
ille ego Saturni proles cui machina rerum
seruit et immensum tendit per inane potestas.
amissum ne crede diem: sunt altera nobis
sidera, sunt orbes alii, lumenque uidebis
purius Elysiumque magis mirabere solem
cultoresque pios, illic pretiosior aetas,
aurea progenies habitat, semperque tenemus
quod superi meruere semel. nec mollia derunt
prata tibi; Zephyris illic melioribus halant
perpetui flores, quos nec tua protulit Aetna.
est etiam lucis arbor praediues opacis
fulgentes uiridi ramos curuata metallo:
haec tibi sacra datur fortunatumque tenebis
autumnum et fuluis semper ditabere pomis.
parua loquor: quidquid liquidus complectitur aer,
quidquid alit tellus, quidquid maris aequora uerrunt,
quod fluuii uoluunt, quod nutriuere paludes,
cuncta tuis pariter cedent animalia regnis
lunari subiecta globo, qui septimus auras
ambit et aeternis mortalia separat astris.
sub tua purpurei uenient uestigia reges
deposito luxu turba cum paupere mixti
–omnia mors aequat–; tu damnatura nocentes,
tu requiem latura piis, te iudice sontes
inproba cogentur uitae commissa fateri.
accipe Lethaeo famulas cum gurgite Fates;
fatum quodcumque uoles
sit. "

Thursday, October 30, 2008

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The story has already been told, retold and retold a thousand times. Everyone knows that once a certain German city was plagued by mice. It goes without saying that the mayor offered a reward to get rid of them, or that passes near a river Hamelin which derat the problem. At the end of the day, it is known that mammals do not have gills and it was expected that any mouse will complicate the issue of breathing underwater. Fortunately, no one remembers what is the subject of magic and the flute is pure fiction. Well, actually "Almost" no, because the mice had indeed always present the other side of the story, but we've taken good care not to disclose and to prevent humans from falling into the account of his forgetfulness.
usually ignored the Pied Piper of Hamelin was known long before thousands of members of our species appeared in the city. In fact, never knew playing the flute or any musical instrument: a barely managed to whistle three notes in tune, which only happened when I was very nervous or too angry. Just was only doing what he did best: kneading and baking flutes. If he had also been an expert in manufacturing felipes, Miñones fat or fine breads, the story probably would have been different. But luckily in Hamelin had a single baker, and the young man had a very limited ability. As the rodents we love the crumbs, the mice of the city used to spend hours hunting through the flute business. And as the boy not much liked the idea of \u200b\u200bsharing their pipes with them, the bakery was filled with rat poison granulites attractive, agile cats and tricky traps scented gruyere cheese. Poison and trappers had always been successful. Cats not so much because they slept a lot and at the slightest neglect, eat up occasional croissant. But things got serious when he came the plague of mice.
Although in truth it was not exactly a plague, but rather the massive attendance of relatives and friends to the wedding of the mouse with the mouse González García, rooted both in Hamelin for some years. There was no size rodent that would miss the event. The festivities are spread over a month and the patience of citizens at the same time exhausted food reserves. It is true that the mayor offered a reward for a solution, but it is false that the piper is proposed to get rid of mice. The event itself was more luck than strategy. With the bakery impassable rodenticide trappers and empty bottles, tired of new visitors devour even the bags of flour kept in the tank, flutist decided that enough was enough. She wanted to scream with indignation, but could only articulate the usual three notes, with such bad luck for our species, that when they are released hit him with the elbow at a bottle on the table and the contents scattered over the body of mice present. Yes, it was exactly what was inside the container. As no human being should know and all rodent knows well, is quite harmful to us. We barely grazes suffered a terrible allergy start to sneeze in the middle of an unbearable itching and it is impossible to avoid immediate infection. Evil expands in seconds, and can only calm water. That is the reason that all the mice ended up in the river Hamelin. But it is true that they have drowned. Cured of the itch and before the wedding festivities interrupted, simply swam to the other side and returned to their homes.
However, in Hamelin word spread that the decision had left the bakery. And over time people began to forget that the piper musical ear was less than the cat after the episode Herminio the wall. Humans love myth, and it seems that the Greeks had one about Orpheus, a musician can be followed up by rocks and trees with his talent. Obviously, not long to mix the two stories. And humans also love stories that are appropriate and allow their children to learn good things, almost immediately loved the bad example of the mayor retracted his promise.
For us, it goes without saying that the misunderstanding of the flute came to us barbaric, because the adults and children focus on the moral, will ignore the contents of those bottles-nothing magical and never absent in any kitchen can annihilate.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Programmable Thermostat Skipped Monday

Piper January 21st, 1926


I'm reduced to being a thing you want to Virginia. I mentally composed a beautiful letter in the hours of insomnia and nightmares of the night, but I was all: just miss you, in a rather simple and hopelessly human. You, with all your eloquent letters ever had written a sentence as simple as that, maybe even not the have imagined. And yet I think you would allow a small margin sensitivity. But the dress with so exquisite a phrase that would become a little less real. In my case, however, is quite bare: I miss you even more than they had thought, and that it was prepared to miss a lot. So this letter is really just a cry of pain. It's amazing how you got to be essential for me. I guess you're used to having people tell you these things. Damn spoiled. I will not make me want more leaving me to you this way. Ah, love, I can be witty and distant with you, I love you too. Too authentically. You do not have any idea how I can be aloof with people who do not want. The have become a fine art. But you destroyed my defenses. And actually I'm not complaining.
But equally, and will not bore you more.
We started back and the train are vibrating again. I have to write to the stops, which thankfully are few along the Lombard plain.
Venice. The stations were great, but I did not realize that maybe the Orient Express not stop there. And here in Venice we were nothing more than ten minutes a little bit miserable to try and write. I have not even time to buy a stamp Italian, so I'll have to send it from Trieste.
Swiss waterfalls were frozen and they seemed solid and bright curtains of ice suspended above the rock. So beautiful ... Italy is covered with snow.
. Let
reboot. I'll have to wait until tomorrow morning at Trieste. Forgive me for having written a letter so short.
Vita Sackville-West
(free version in English by Gabriela Brown)
to Virginia Woolf, January 21, 1926
Milan [posted in Trieste]
I am reduced to a thing that wants Virginia. I composed a beautiful letter to you in the sleepless nightmare hours of the night, and it has all gone: I just miss you, in a quite simple desperate human way. You, with all your un-dumb letters, would never write so elementary a phrase as that; perhaps you wouldn't even feel it. And yet I believe you'll be sensible of a little gap. But you'd clothe it in so exquisite a phrase that it would lose a little of its reality. Whereas with me it is quite stark: I miss you even more than I could have believed; and I was prepared to miss you a good deal. So this letter is just really a squeal of pain. It is incredible how essential to me you have become. I suppose you are accustomed to people saying these things. Damn you, spoilt creature; I shan't make you love me any the more by giving myself away like this --But oh my dear, I can't be clever and stand-offish with you: I love you too much for that. Too truly. You have no idea how stand-offish I can be with people I don't love. I have brought it to a fine art. But you have broken down my defences. And I don't really resent it.
However I won't bore you with any more.
We have re-started, and the train is shaky again. I shall have to write at the stations –which are fortunately many across the Lombard plain.
Venice. The stations were many, but I didn't bargain for the Orient Express not stopping at them. And here we are at Venice for ten minutes only, –a wretched time in which to try and write. No time to buy an Italian stamp even, so this will have to go from Trieste.
The waterfalls in Switzerland were frozen into solid iridescent curtains of ice, hanging over the rock; so lovely. And Italy all blanketed in snow.
We're going to start again. I shall have to wait till Trieste tomorrow morning. Please forgive me for writing such a miserable letter.
Vita Sackville-West.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Experiment With Bromothymol

Zonzo, Bonzo and the Dragon

Hace muchísimos años –pongámosle unos cuantos miles, año más, years less-a nest egg rolled, slid down the steep slope of the mountain, dodged a couple of bushes, bounced off a ledge and ended up forgotten, almost forever, in a murky and hidden crack in the hillside. Murky enough so that the sun's heat could not help incubate and hidden enough so that nobody could ever find. So there it was the egg, hidden in the dark in a hole on the side of the mountain, as I said, almost forever. Because as you have guessed, if the egg still continue there, this story probably would end soon. After all, an egg hidden in a crack can not pass anything interesting.

So was that a few thousand years later, precisely on Saturday around noon, just in a storm, the hole where it was the egg began to flood. And much rain got inside, the egg began to float. First just a little, then a little more and then began to move about water seeping through the crack and floated to get stuck on a rock, half concealed in a pasture. Yes, what is said camaraderie, was camaraderie. After so many thousands of years the water had been good, because I was pretty filthy. But for when the storm subsided and the sun rises, the shining egg that was a pleasure, almost like a rainbow, but well-violet.

As you suspect, this egg from which I speak is not much like the one would keep in the refrigerator. As the violet, basically. In short, abbreviated. The storm had cleared completely and the heat of the sun was hitting half strong, when Zonzo just went out there, I was looking for somewhere with a small shadow to lie down for a nap and suddenly saw something shining semi oval next to a stone, half concealed in a pasture.

Zonzo was not what one would call a dog with many lights, it was rather pretty goofy, but not enough to not realize that this kind of violet rugby ball must be something else. So she was snuggling softly, just in case, sniffing it deep to try to guess what it was. And when Zonzo Justito Justito had already committed a bit and had his nose practically glued to the base, the rugby ball made violet crack and zaz! ... cracked. The shock, Zonzo started barking. And explained that it was half eejit. He barked and barked and barked and barked and barked even a little more. Both barked, the egg-ball-of-rugby-violet end of break. And when Zonzo
saw what was inside ...
And when you saw was inside Zonzo ...
Well, better not to think about, or the blaze that took off what was inside the egg, or how Zonzo barked when he singed whiskers.
- Ahhhhh! Zonzo cried. - I burn, I burn!
- Ahhhhh! Shouted what was inside the egg. - Bite me, bite me! After
uncomfortable silence ensued, during which they both looked very closely in the eye without making the slightest movement.
"What a strange lizard" thought Zonzo.
"What egg plus hairy and noisy ", thought the lizard
Zonzo barked again, and so that the lizard (which it does not look much like a lizard) will be clear who was boss. Then she came out of the shell and spit a little fire between his legs, so that the egg-weird-loud-and-hairy Zonzo I mean, it became clear he was not going to leave so easily frightened.
-Che, terminal fire Zonzo said, putting his feet in a puddle that had formed with the rain a while ago.
"Okay," said the lizard. "But shut up, because I bristle scales tail fuss.
- Scales? Zonzo asked.
- What do you want to have? Pens? The dragons have scales.
- Dragons? Zonzo asked amazed.
- Why do you repeat everything I say? "You're goofy, you? "Said the dragon a bit annoying. "Yes,"
Zonzo. "I'm Zonzo. How did you know? "We knew us from somewhere else?
I do not think. I just left inside the egg, do not you remember? And you are? Because to be an egg you have too much hair. Also do not see you're scaling and very noisy.
"I'm not an egg I'm a dog, "explained Zonzo half offended.
-Ah. Why are you doing so much noise? Asked the dragon.
"It is called" make noise ", is called bark. Ladro because all the dogs barked, "said Zonzo and definitely annoyed by the ignorance of the dragon.
- And why they bark? "She insisted. Why not if they know that dragons are never conform if one does not answer your questions.
-Ufa. I do not know. We bark period. Now, if you do not mind, I'm going to take a nap under that tree, that's why I came not to talk to lizards chatterbox-ay! I singed legs again! -Is Zonzo complained.
"Excuse me, gave me a dragon coughing, laughing lied to in while Zonzo grumbled away to the shade of pine to see if once and could get some sleep.
"Okay, I let you sleep. But first explain to me how to get to the castle from here, "she said.
- Castillo? Here there is no castle Zonzo yawned as he gave the fifth round in the same place before bedtime.
"Then direct me where to live, 'said the dragon princess. "Nor have
princesses," he said, supporting the base of the muzzle on the legs straight.
I do not understand. And what do the dragons living in this place? She asked, puzzled.
And, as you have noticed, for when the dragon in this story was born, was no longer time of dragons. Abounded, of course, other kinds of animals. Some with scales, others with wings, many with claws, many with very sharp teeth, but definitely no, as it met all these features together. Not to mention the ability to breathe fire from his mouth and smoke through the nose, which were, undoubtedly, unique skills of our Dragling. "Look," said
Zonzo. "To my knowledge there has never been dragons here. At least I never saw none. I did see many lizards in the mountains, you sure you're not a lizard?
"Better that I am not a lizard, eejit. I am a terrible and dangerous dragon, do not you see? But now I do not know what I do, because dragons work defending the princesses who live in castles. And here there is no castle or princess.
"Now I remember, the day of spring we had a princess, but was not from here, was of Bahia Blanca. Maybe there is a castle. Why do not you go and leave me sleep easy step, "suggested the dog.
- Is not me? " "Said the dragon getting pretty voice.
"It's hot," protested Zonzo.
-Dale, porfis "she insisted.
"I was going to take a nap," growled the dog.
"Please," said the dragon and making eyes blinking. "Is it far-
Zonzo argued in a last attempt. But when the dragon sighed, deeply distressed, the poor are resigned "Well, come on, is fine. I'll walk.
"The truth is that to believe a terrible and dangerous dragon, this lizard is very annoying," she thought as she stretches Zonzo and began to walk toward the station.

* * *

-The train passes a while now. Here you go up and do not you get off at the station until General Roca. From there are about two blocks to school ... Are you listening? Asked the dog.
-Ehh ... You told me how's your brother? He hesitated a dragon.
"Bonzo" said Zonzo for the fifth time.
- And Bonzo will be able to tell me how to get to the castle where the Princess? She insisted again.
I do not know. But if Bonzo does not know, nobody knows. It is a very intelligent dog my brother. It is the only family that goes to school. There he learned many important things, so must have learned something about dragons Zonzo said, he was very proud of Bonzo.
- Why do not you take the train and escorted me to Bahia? I have fear of losing, "said the dragon.
"No, no, yes-no Zonzo is interrupted. "And you can not miss miss, is straight from the station, there is no way of getting lost.
-Dale, come with me and the way you see Bonzo "she insisted.
Zonzo The truth is that I had really wanted to go to Bahia Blanca, but the idea of \u200b\u200bseeing his brother disliked, because she missed him a lot. So, without much thought for not repent, he boarded the train, gliding up a good nap.

* * *

- Are we there yet? Asked the dragon.
-two minutes less than two minutes ago when you asked me the same thing for the hundredth time, "said Zonzo mufado.
And the dragon it was quite rotten, because I had been wondering "how much longer?" And "Are We There Yet?" Even before boarding the train. So when the car finally stopped at the station, the poor dog, who was unable to sleep or nap thirty seconds, sighed with relief.
-Dale, we will look for your brother. I can not wait to get to the castle, the dragon was excited getting on the back of Zonzo and spurring like it's a horse.
"With how calm I was there in Sierra. Bonzo had better give me a leg to get me off this lizard "thought Zonzo.
Between us, luckily Zonzo addition was half good-natured goofy, because in fact the dragon was not too terrible or too big to say, and if he had wished it could habérsela eaten in one bite.

* * *

When they reached the school gate, the two noticed the little big problem had to solve.
- now what do we do? Asked the dragon. - Are you sure your brother is in here? And just when Zonzo
would answer the door opened and a woman in blue overalls were told to pass.
"Strange," said the teacher. "I could have sworn I saw you recently in the courtyard, Bonzo. When you left you?
But after let them shut the door and walked down the hall to the classroom where students were waiting, without much concern for Bonzo, ie, Zonzo.
-Ufs, I almost see, "said the dragon, which had been hidden under Zonzo ear. "Not that I'm afraid," he explained. "But it would have been terrible to have to attack when she screamed telling everyone that there is a dragon inside the school.
"Sure, sure," said Zonzo, actually a lot did not believe him, because he felt shaking all the time under your ear. "Now we have to find Bonzo. Where is he?
The dragon made a face of "this dog can not be more goofy"
- Did not you hear the teacher said she saw you on the playground? He asked.
- Who? Me? But if I was out with you ... Zonzo replied.
"No, goofy, Bonzo. She mistook you Bonzo, did not you see? She said she had been sleeping on the patio. That's where it should be your brother in the backyard. Come on, come on.
Just then the bell rang for recess and a din of kids started running and screaming out orderly and quiet of the classroom.
the shock, the dragon turned to hide behind the ear Zonzo.

* * *

After recess, in different places of the school had held talks of curious. Alcira

"Miss," said a girl. -A Bonzo came under fire one ear.

- Did you see, Martin? "I said Agnes to the other goalie. "Bonzo came to ask for food again. With everything that I had not eaten today to request more till tomorrow.

-Leticia, we will have to do something with Bonzo, it might not install all the time on the stairs of the hall bath to ask the kids cookies, "said Isabel.
"But if I saw a while ago and was sleeping peacefully next to the stage," replied the deputy.

- ister, ma'am! Bonzo has a green tick!
-Ticks are not green, Thomas. "This
yes, and also has wings. "It would be a fly
, Thomas. "But seño
... Thomas
"Stop, sit in your place and stop inventing nonsense.

* * *

Meanwhile, two dogs and the dragon talked to solcito Zonzo in the courtyard and he explained to his brother who needed his help to find a princess and a castle.
stared Bonzo the first one and then another, until finally he said: "It will not be able to be. Here we do not have castles, least of all princesses.
- What about the spring festival? Zonzo asked. "That was a
Bay girl here, but not a real princess. Princesses and castles as you need this dragon is only in fairy tales, not in real life.
The dragon, which she did not feel so bad and so dangerous, but a little sad, began to runny.
"Well, no big deal. Do not get wrong, "said Bonzo a bit shaken. "I think I know someone who can help. Miss Paula knows a lot of stories, capable in the library where she works, we can find a story that can get you. I do not go much out there because Paula does not have cookies, as the kids first and second, that are bringing more and more goodies they invite, but we can go to look if we find something that works in the library.
So there you were. And Bonzo was right, there were cookies, but books ... ufs ... had books of every color.
- And in what I get? Asked the dragon.
"Right," said Zonzo (which although it did not read the understanding) and opened a book either in a random page, so bad luck, the dragon landed right in the story of The Three Little Pigs. And if anything characterizes the dragons is that they are enthusiastic and well led and they alone, she was just there to blow on par with the wolf, forgetting that in addition to smoke from his mouth came fire.
- I burn, I burn! Shouted one of the pigs with their tails scorched as the flames were spreading from the house of straw to the wood. And if it was not practical because the pig he managed to shuffle the emergency fire extinguishers, burn all the books and with the whole school. Say that Bonzo
also reacted quickly and opened the book for the dragon could hop out before the wolf and the three little pigs, which had the face of very few friends, achieve it.
"In this tale does not fit very well," said the dragon all stirred by the fight. "I'd better get into this one.
And before I could Bonzo tell him that no, that there either, the dragon had already jumped in a book that covers Razul said Red Riding Hood.
- Again? "Said the wolf pretty upset when he saw her. "Look, as far as I know this story does not see any dragon ... And after the disaster that you've started recently in the story of The Three Little Pigs, sure do not need any. In addition, at any time is Little Red Riding Hood. I already have to be hidden behind the tree to surprise her. I do not want to linger, because if it fails as before, I had to go to the bathroom in a hurry and the narrator bored everyone describing the landscape for five minutes to pass the time until I ...
-understand ... "said the dragon resigned and weeping as he walked away.
But then the wolf, which basically was not so bad, felt a little guilty for having mistreated, sighed deeply, and while the trunk is camouflaged behind shouted, "Look, I'm no expert on dragon, let alone ... But it strikes me that you could try your luck with Flori, Ataúlfo and the Dragon. Imagine, is on the bottom shelf.
- Thanks! He smiled a little more animated the dragon and jumped out of the book just as Little Red Riding Hood was approaching the basket. I was going to warn
that the book also served, but did not give me the time-challenged Bonzo.
- What about your brother? Asked the dragon.
-is standing guard at the door, if he returns, "said Bonzo Paula.
-Wolf recommended that I try with a story that is on the bottom shelf, "she explained.
-Mmm ... The Princess, the Knight and the Dragon. Is this? Bonzo asked while poking with his nose between the spines of the books.
"The truth is that I forgot. But it sounds like, and speaks of a dragon, which serves the same insurance. Bonzo
opened the book and when the dragon is put in just went to stop in the middle of a scene in which the knight faced the fierce dragon to free the princess from the tower. The three characters stood still watching her.
- Agh! Yuck! A lizard! "Said the princess.
"No fear or worry my love," said the gentleman. "The crush with my shoe.
"I'm not a lizard," protested the dragon. "I'm a terrible and dangerous dragon, do not you see?
From time to laugh, almost fierce dragon story grabs an attack of hiccups. The princess burst into laughter and the knight is tempted as he dropped the sword.
- But if you measure less than six inches! "Said the dragon. "He's right princess, you're a lizard.
Outraged, the dragon spat a good breath of fire.
"Well, okay, in any case will be a fire-breathing lizard, but terrible and dangerous, you do not have anything," Knight said recovering a little fit of laughter. "I could crush you with your shoe, would require even use the sword.
The Dragon, hurt, left the story hitting a bang (or a tapazo, which for that matter) and sat on one of the tables in the library. His face was all red in anger.
- Have not worked? Asked Bonzo.
"Neither," she said.
"Maybe this was not the wolf that ventured said Bonzo.
Zonzo Just then barked to alert someone coming to the library. Bonzo and the dragon is hiding behind a cupboard. Miss Paula had in hand a big and very heavy book. He left on the desk and went out again, making a mime Bonzo, who was actually Zonzo in the head.
"Strange you here, Bonzo," said Paula. "Stay if you want, now I return.
just came out, the dragon and the two dogs came to the desktop. And seeing the picture of the cover of the book to three came up with the same idea.
"This is definitely your story Zonzo said that although he could not read could see from the drawings that the dragon Justito wore in the book.
- you dare to get in there? Zonzo asked.
"Better," said the dragon. And without hesitation he said goodbye to the dogs and plunged into the story to come out ever since.

* * *

When he entered the library, Paula was not surprised that Bonzo was no longer inside. In fact, he thought it was strange that had happened there, because it almost never did. Then he sat
on the desk, opened the heavy book he had brought Shrek a while before and started looking for a good image to work with kids in fifth, who had seen the film last week.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Replacement For Bare Minerals

Concepts of Physics - The Karate blow

I leave a small pearl that I began to analyze with the help of my friend Sensei M. Fabian King (3rd Dan Karate) who always contributed to the progress of my knowledge.

1 - Introduction
In recent years, the ancient Oriental art of karate do (the word literally translated means "the way of the empty hand") has become very popular in the Western world.
The Karateka shows the result part of your workout by breaking wooden boards, cement blocks and other objects. We talked a lot about the history and culture of the martial arts, but this time we will study a little physics, we will study the mechanics of the collision of a hand against a solid object.

2 - Concept of Force, Moment and Strain Energy.
In the case of a crash, is well known that a large object moving at high speed, hit harder than a small object moving slower. In an attempt to break a table, the karateka will look to its heaviest blow, this implies that seek to ensure that your hand reaches the highest speed possible ... now what does it mean to strike harder? ... In terms of physics, we can analyze it in two ways, from the concept of force and moment and from the concept of strain energy.
Force (F) is mass (m) times acceleration (a): F = ma
Time (p) is mass times velocity (v): p = mv
acceleration measures change speed in time, ie acceleration is the derivative of velocity with respect to time, therefore, if we replace a by dv / dt and apply resulting in p / dv, we see that F = dp / dt, then we say that F.dt = dp, ie Ft = I (Pulse, or the variation of the moment).
say that the impulse is an amount "preserved" is not created nor destroyed, but in the present case, is transferred from one object to another (along the solid object it hits.) This follows from Newton's third law or principle of action and reaction (For every force acting on a body, it performs a force equal but opposite to the body that produced it). Thus, the second object (beaten) is exactly the same moment that the first object loses.

Assuming that, I is constant, is transferred from hand to object beaten, then F t are inversely proportional. So we I convey the same by applying a strong force in a very small range of time or by applying a small force over a large interval of time.
The next question is ... why then is it necessary to speed the blow? For if the hand moves faster, in theory, when it hits the object, and complying with the principle of action and reaction, slow down fast too, which means that the time interval in which transfer their momentum to the object will be very short, therefore, the force becomes larger. Big
This transfer of force causes a relative acceleration of the hit of the object relative to other parts of the object. Ie the small area struck by the knuckles or the edge of the hand tend to shoot out to beat the same direction as the rest of the board receives no pulse and are also supported by some kind of "fixed." So it is breaking.

analyze this from the concept of strain energy.
As an object of mass m1 (in order to hit), at rest, and another object with mass m2 (the karateka's hand) moving at velocity v at the time of impact, if we ignore the peeling thermal energy in motion, the amount of strain energy would be:

ΔE = ((1-e ^ 2)) / 2. (m1.m2) / ((m1 + m2)). v ^ 2

where e is the coefficient of restitution, which measures how elastic the shock. Is a function of the hardness of objects, and which together with the speed, determine the pulse. If two objects collide perfectly inelastic, e = 0, the transfer of force between the two is immediate (short time). If perfectly soft objects colliding (and approximately 1), the energy transferred will tend to 0, or rather, the time interval during which transfers the force becomes larger.
An easier to understand this would be the following, we compare the time of contact and transfer of force from a blow applied to a pillow the edge of the hand and a blow applied to a brick with the knuckles.
As ΔE is proportional to the square of the speed, the faster you move your hand, the more energy transferred to the object hit. Again the end of this story is breaking the object.

3 - The area hit.
Anyone who is beaten by hand an object using a wrong technique can attest to the pain it causes. The hand is a complex system of bones connected by tissue, and much could be said about the importance of proper alignment of the hand to strike. From the point of view of physics, the important thing at the time of impact is that all the above in terms of force, momentum, momentum and energy, presupposes a certain unit area.
Reducing the impact surface, the karateka apply all that energy into a small point, ie, the object must be beaten "resist" or suffer a huge amount of energy in a very small point.
practical example: Consider a person capable of applying a shock equivalent to 190 joules (J) of energy. A normal hand is about 15cm long by 10 wide, ie 150 cm2, or about 1.3 J per cm2. Karateka
If only hit the side of the hand (5cm by 3cm), apply about 13 J per cm 2 ... 10 times more energy!! Hence the search karateka Always apply the strokes using small areas of your body as a point of contact (knuckles, elbows, etc).

Many times, when he advises a novice how to break a table, you are instructed not to seek to break the table, but look floor breaking wave wall behind her. This is to ensure that the hand is not slowing down at the moment of impact, a mistake that many beginners make for fear of hurting or uncertainty. Said that it is very important to achieve the highest possible speed at the time of impact, and there are several video documents showing that the speed is achieved when the arm is extended by 75%. This is logical if we think the other 25% of the route will be used to stop the hand. It goes without saying that the point of impact is at the time you get to 75% of travel.
This means that to achieve a successful break, we should focus on a target located 25% of the total length of our arm, behind the object to hit. That should be our mind and ki to strike.

5 - Using the body weight
see that the mass m is an important factor in the formula of Time, Power and Energy. In all cases, the proportionality is direct.
As the mass of a karateka will be the same before and after a stroke, many times, it disregards the mass in these equations, however, is very important how that mass is used at the time of the coup, much of that mass is involved at the time of hitting. That is, we can not control 100% of your weight and manage to strike at will, but we can control a certain percentage of our weight and apply at the point of impact.
For this reason it is crucial not only to use the arm or leg to hit the whole body should be aligned and "push" in the coup. So often happens that a boxer is knocked unconscious after a hook up (moving from the waist and legs) and is less common but be knocked out by a jab. Although both blows are applied by the same arm with the same force, but in the first case, a large percentage of the weight was applied in the art.

Source: JON Chanani. - Physics of Strikes
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22903
adapted, interpreted and modified by Paul Cirigliano.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Do Cervical Cancer Jabs Hurt

traducteur d'Homere A Roman Graffiti

Victor Hugo ( Litterature et Philosophie melees )

(English-language version free Gabriela Brown)

The great poets are like the great mountains: they generate many echoes. Their songs are repeated in every language, because his name is on everyone's lips. And Homer, even more than others, due to its immense popularity the privilege or the curse of having a multitude of performers. In all villages, unable to copyists and insipid translators have disfigured his poems, and from Accius Labeo, who exclaimed:

crudum Priamum Priamique puello chow;
'You eat raw Priam and his sons';

to the brave Marto contemporary that made him the singer of Achilles:

Lors, face à face, on vit ces deux grands ducs
Piteusement étendus sur la terre;

"Then, facing each other, are both piously lying
Dukes ground ";

from century grammarian Zola until today, it is impossible to calculate the number of pygmies who have tried, one after another, lifting the mass of Hercules.

my advice, do not mix with those dwarves. His translation is still in draft, you're lucky to be still time to burn.

A French translation of Homer, in verses! It is monstrous and unbearable, sir. I assure you, in conscience, that angers me the translation.

I will not read it, though. I'd rather save myself the pleasure. Declare that a translation in verse, no matter who is the author translated, or who has made it, seems to me absurd, impossible and unrealistic. And something I know about this issue, I rhymed in French (And had carefully hidden until now) four or five thousand verses of Horace, Lucan and Virgil, I, who no doubt it all you lost a hexameter when passing an Alexandrian.

But Homer, sir! Translating Homer

Do not you know that the simplicity of Homer has always been the pitfall of translators? Madame Dacier made it trivial; Lamotte-Houdard, a barren thing; Bitaubé a stupid text. François Porto said it would take to be a Homer to praise worthily seconded the former. Who would that be then to translate?


A traducteur d'Homere
Victor Hugo (Literature and Philosophy mixed )

The great poets are like great mountains, they have many echoes. Their songs are repeated in all languages, because their names are on everyone's lips. Homer has had more than any other, to his immense fame privilege or misfortune of a host of performers. Among all peoples, powerless copyists and insipid translators disfigured his poems, and since Accius Labeo, who exclaimed:

Crudum Manduca Priamum Priamique puellos ;
"Eat them raw Priam and his children";

until good contemporary Marot was saying to the cantor of Achilles

When face to face, they saw two owls on earth
Shockingly extended;

century since the grammarian Zoilus up to the present, it is impossible to calculate the number of pygmies who have in turn attempted to lift the club of Hercules.

Believe me, do not meddle in these dwarfs. Your translation is still in the portfolio, you are very lucky to be in time for the burn.

A translation of Homer to French! is monstrous and intolerable, sir. I assure you, in good conscience I am outraged by your translation.

I certainly do not read. I want to be left to fear. I declare that a verse translation of anyone, by anyone, seems absurd, impossible and unrealistic. And I know something about me, who rhymed in French (which I carefully hidden until now) four or five thousand lines of Horace, Lucan and Virgil, I, who know everything who loses a hexameter which transferred into an Alexandrine.

But Homer, sir! translate Homer!

Do you know that the only simplicity of Homer has always been the pitfall of translators? Madame Dacier has changed platitude; Lamotte-Houdard in drought Bitaubé in nonsense. Francis said that Puerto would be a second Homer to praise properly first. Who would it be to translate it?

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Remedies For Vicodin Withdrawal

(free version en español por Gabriela Marrón)

Alguien prohibits amar, a protege
Alguien los aman. Nada es único

COME (TO) FIT SAEP FERIT RVM Avra \u200b\u200bL (E) VIS. [CIL IV, 9123]
Nothing can last an eternity. When the sun shone
enough, return to the ocean.
decline Phoebe, who before was full.
The impetuosity of the winds often becomes a gentle breeze.

I admire, wall, that do not fall to pieces, having to endure the fatigue of so much writing.

If by chance someone noticed the movement of the snake that did Sepumio young talent, whether you're a spectator of the theater or a fan of horses always hold hope so, with this oscillation, the full balance dishes wherever you do business

. Art
Roman art. Art

Ssevera, chupassss



Veneria dick you squeezed the maximum for the vintage, and he left with two empty holes and a mouth full.





Friday, September 5, 2008

Packaged Unit Vs Split Unit

Quod nullus Studens ludat ... That Tinguem Sort

University of Montpellier, 1339
(free version in English by Gabriela Brown)
That no student plays: (...)
establish, under pain of excommunication, that no student, either within or outside the home, may intervene in the dice, another game of chance or any other recreational activity where you can lose money (... )
dance that no student away from home: (...)
establish, under pain of excommunication, that no doctor, teacher or student can dance away from home or from other students, whatever the reasons or circumstances.
Quod nullus Studens ludat
University of Montpellier, 1339
Quod nullus studens ludat:
(…) Statuimus quod nulli scolastici, sub poena excommunicationis, intra vel extra domos quasinhabitant, ludant ad taxillos, aleas, vel alias quovis ludo, in quo pecunia perdi possit (…)
Quod nullus studens tripudiet extra domum:
(…) Statuimus quod nullus Doctor, Baccalarius, vel Scolaris, extra domum suam vel scolarium aliorum,ex quavis occasione vel causa, sub excommunicationis poena, tripudiet.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Gay Cruising In Disney

por Luis Llach y Pedro Guerra
(free version in English of Gabriel Brown)

If you say "goodbye"
want the day is crisp and clear that no bird
break the harmony of their song

wish you good luck and find what
you missing me.

If I say I love you, I want the sun
make the day much longer time
to steal and
while a clock without hands

Hopefully we'll get lucky, hopefully find

............................... all that we needed yesterday.

Grab all the fruit the way
path to tomorrow
little I can offer. Tomorrow

the fruits that came to pass

those steps are not going to be.

.............. Dale
...................... despite the fog
...................... have to walk.

And if you come with me,
not ask for a clear path
Silver Surfer do not ask.

not wait for a morning full of promises. Wait

only, with a little luck,
life would make the road very long

Que Tinguem Sort

Si em dius adéu,
vull que el dia sigui net i clar,
que cap ocell
trenqui l'harmonia del seu cant.

Que tinguis sort
i que trobis el que t'ha mancat
en mi.

Si em dius "et vull",
que el sol faci el dia molt més llarg,
i així, robar
temps al temps d'un rellotge aturat.

Que tinguem sort,
que trobem tot el que ens va mancar

I així pren tot el fruit que et pugui donar
el camí que, a poc a poc, escrius per a demà.
Què demà mancarà el fruit de cada pas;
per Therefore, despite the fog, you must walk.

If you come with me, do not ask
a flat road,
or silver stars,
nor a tomorrow full of promises, only
a little luck, and
that life gives us a very long way

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Tendonitis Effects On Body Systems

Technical terms - Nikky -

continue with the second basic technique of withholding or secondary school, the Nikkyo. Conceptually
involves two things: 1) retain and 2) cause pain. Separating these two concepts because they can be given separately, independently, meaning that I can cause pain in the wrist of the uke but not in retaining or even have the chance to escape grip and vice versa, I can keep him in a position where if you stand still, no pain.

The Nikkyo is the twist of the wrist in order to comply with the two previous concepts. Sometimes the torsion also occurs in the elbow, to assist the successful completion of nikkyo.

mechanism is very simple, meaning "play" with the wrist and elbow joints in the opposite direction for which they were designed, you can imagine that causes a very intense color and do it with violence cause dislocation or fracture.

There are ways to escape the nikkyo if not properly controlled or firm. One can facilitate such rotation of the wrist and elbow, accompanying them in their movement until the nage imbalance causing him to lose control of the wrist, and then remove the arm or generate a wide circular movement can lead us to apply the same nikkyo who until now was nage. For this you must relax your arm very well and sometimes endure some initial pain in the wrist. If uke is very sensitive to pain and reacts rapidly with ukemi, it will be difficult to escape from this technique, which once established, is terribly effective.

We were all touched to be several days or even weeks with wrist pain after several intensive training nikkyo. Obviously this is part of the temple you need a good artist martial. That pain is the one to capitalize on is the pain that trains and prepares us for a bit to tackle our problems.
If one gives up quickly to the pain, the problem goes beyond it. If one keeps the mind and body relaxed, the pain is less and we can apply the contratécnica that will allow us to solve the problem.
I invite you to practice a nikkyo thoroughly and test these two forms, that education will leave us is very comforting.
When we relax, we join the nage and we apply the contratécnica, we have a very particular sense of strength. On a few occasions of everyday life will have this kind of experience, and yet it is real and verifiable.

For those who see it from outside without knowing or having tried the technique, it can sometimes seem a theatrical movement, but if you have an acquaintance who practice Aikido, try to ask you to apply a controlled manner nikkyo and verify what I say. My taste is one of the techniques when I get more satisfaction out well, because the sensation of pain is very sharp and almost instantly compels us to throw ourselves on the mat.

leave a video showing nikkyo variants.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

All About Cervical Mucus

A table is a table

A table is a table
Peter Bichsel
(versión libre en español por Gabriela Brown)

contarles Love a Man About Town, About a Man old word that this might not told more. It has a tired expression: Too much for sonreír tired and tired to Demasiado be angry. He lives in a small town at the end of a street or near a corner. Not worth describing, hardly something you apart from others. Use a gray hat, gray pants, a gray jacket, winter-long gray overcoat. His neck is thin, loose skin and wrinkles. The white buttons of the shirt neck are too tight. Your room is on the first floor of the house. Maybe he was married and had children. Maybe he lived before in another city. No doubt, once was a boy, but that happened at a time when the kids are dressed like the adults, as seen in photographs of grandmothers. In his room there are two chairs, a table, a carpet, a bed and a wardrobe. Top of a table is an alarm clock, next, old newspapers and a photo album. On the wall hung a mirror and a portrait.

The old man took a walk in the morning and a walk in the evenings. Exchanged a few words with his neighbor and at night he sat at the table.

That did not change. Sunday was also true. And when he sat at the table heard the clock ticking. Whenever the clock ticking.

But there was a day that was different. A sunny day, not too cool, not warm, with songs of birds, happy people, with children playing. Suddenly the man realized all those things, and that was different.


"Now everything will change," he thought. He unbuttoned the top button of his shirt collar, grabbed his hat with his hand, quickened his pace, swung on his knees when walking and was happy. He reached the street where he lived, greeted the boys bowed his head and went to his house, climbed the stairs, took his keys from his pocket and opened his room.

But in the room all was just a table, two chairs, a bed. When he sat down he heard the ticking again and all his joy was gone, because nothing had changed. The man was furious. Very angry. He saw in the mirror how to redden their expression, how he squeezed his eyes shut ... and then closed the hands in two fists, lifted them and hit the surface of the table with them. First a hit, then another ... And then began pounding the table like a drum, shouting over and over again:

"Something has to change!" And I did not hear over the alarm clock. After his hands began to ache. Voice failed him. Heard the alarm clock again, and nothing had changed.

"Always the same table," said the man, "the same chairs, bed, portrait. And at the table say table I tell her portrait to portrait, to bed the bed and called the name chairs chairs But why? The French tells the bed "li", at the table "Table", the portrait is called "table" and chairs "cheis." And among them are understood. And the Chinese also understood. Why not call the bed portrait? "Thought the man and smiled. Then he laughed. Both laughed that the neighbor had to hit the wall and shouting "Silence!".

"Now something has changed," he said. And from then to bed called "Portrait."

"I am tired, want to get in the picture, "he said. And in the morning, as always, stood for a long time lying in the picture, deciding how you would like to say from then on to the chair. And the chair called "alarm clock." Suddenly I dreamed about this new language. Translated into their language the songs of the time he went to school and sang softly to himself.

finally stood up, got dressed, sat on the alarm clock and rested his arms on the table. But now the table and table name was not over, now called carpet. In the morning the man came out of the picture, dressed, sat on the carpet on the clock and began to think how I could call each other things.

A bed called portrait.
A table called carpet. The chair
called clock. The newspaper called
chair called the mirror.
The alarm clock called photo album.
newspaper called Al wardrobe.
called to the carpet wardrobe. The portrait called
And the photo album called mirror.

So ...

the morning, the old man was a long time lying in the portrait. At nine rang the photo album. He rose and stood above the closet so they do not get cold feet. Then grabbed the clothes in the newspaper, got dressed and looked in the chair on the wall. Finally, he sat on the carpet on the clock and looked through the mirror until he found his mother's table.

Man amused, practiced all day and memorized the words. Today everything has a different name. He was no longer a man but a foot. And the walk was a morning and evening a man.

Now you can write the story again. And then you can exchange other words, as did the man. Sonar

means stop. Chill
means to see. Reclining
means sound. Standing
means to feel cold. Stand
means browsing.

And then it would read: For the man, the old foot was a long time playing in the portrait. At nine o'clock they stopped the photo album. The foot felt cold and looked through the closet to avoid being in the morning.

The old man bought a blue-covered notebook and wrote on it until it is filled with new words. And to do that it took so long that only very rarely could see down the street. Then he learned the new names for everything and forgot more and more of the original terms. I now had a new language, it was all to himself. But soon he also felt it was difficult to translate, which quickly forgot their old language. Had to find the original words in his blue-covered notebook and it made me feel afraid to talk to people. I had to think too long to remember how they said other things. In his portrait

people say bed. Your carpet
people tell
In table clock tells people
A chair bed everyday people tell you to your chair
A mirror tells her photo album tells people alarm clock. Your daily
people say wardrobe. Your wardrobe
people say carpet. In
mirror tells people photo album. Your table
people tell portrait.

And there came a time when man could not help laughing when I heard people talking. It is tempting to hear someone say "Are you also going to go tomorrow to the soccer game", or if someone said "It rains almost like two months", or if someone said "I have an uncle in America."

And tempted because I did not understand.

But this is not a success story. It started off as sad and has a sad ending. The gray overcoat old man could not understand most people but that was not so serious.

The worst was that others could not understand him. And why not say any word.

He remained silent, spoke only to himself. And one day he stopped to say hello.
Ein Tisch ist ein Tisch
Peter Bichsel

Ich will von einem alten Mann erzählen, von einem Mann, der kein Wort sagt mehr, hat ein Gesicht're moving, Lächeln und zu zum zu mud mud , um böse zu sein. Wohnt er in einer kleinen City, at the end of the road or near the intersection. It is worth almost not describe him, hardly distinguishes him from others. He wears a gray hat, gray pants, a gray coat and winter long, gray coat, and he has a thin neck, the skin dry and wrinkled, the white shirt collar to him much too far. On the top floor of the house he has his own room, maybe he was married and had children. Maybe he used to live in another city. Certainly he was once a child, but that was at a time when the children were dressed like adults. Man she looks like in the photo album of the grandmother. In his room are two chairs, a table, a rug, a bed and a cupboard. On a small table, a clock, besides there are old newspapers and photo album on the wall hang a mirror and a picture.

The old man took a walk in the morning and afternoon for a walk, a few words with his neighbor, and at night he sat at his table. The

never changed, even on Sundays this was so. And if the man was sitting at the table, he heard the clock ticking, the alarm clock always ticking.

Then one day there was a special day, a day of sun, not too hot, not too cold, with twittering of birds, with friendly people, with children playing - and the special was that all of a sudden the man liked. He


"Now this will change everything," he thought. He opened his top shirt button, took his hat in his hand, accelerated its course, rocked even when walking in the knees and was glad. He came to his street, nodded to the children, went to his house, climbed the stairs, took the keys from his pocket and opened his room.

But the room was all the same, one table, two chairs, a bed. And as he sat down view, he heard the ticking, and all the joy was over, because nothing had changed. And the man was overcome with a great rage. He looked in the mirror his face red start, saw him zukniff eyes, and clenched his hands to fists, lifted her, and beat them on the table, only just one stroke, then another, and then he began to drum on the table and screamed this over and over:

"It has to change something." And he did not hear the alarm clock. Then his hands began to ache, his voice broke, he heard the alarm clock again, and nothing changed.

"Always the same table," said the man, the same chairs, the bed, the picture. And the table I say table, the picture I say image, the bed is bed, and the chair is called a chair. Why not indeed ? The French say the bed "li", the table "table", name the picture "tablo" and the chair "Shepherd" and they understand each other. And the Chinese are too. "Why is not the bed picture," said the man and smiled, then laughed and laughed, until the neighbors knocked on the wall and "rest," cried.

"Now it is changing," he cried, and he said from now on the bed "picture".

"I'm tired, I want the picture," he said, and in the morning he would often lie long in the picture and wondered how he wanted to say to the chair, and he named the chair "alarm clock". Now and then he dreamed in the new language, and then he translated the songs from his school days in his language, and he sang softly to himself.

So he got up, pulled in, sat down on the alarm clock, leaning his arms on the table. But the table was no longer table, he was now called carpet. In the morning, so the man left the picture, dressed sat down at the carpet at the clock, wondering who he might say.

to the bed he said image.
to the table he said carpet.
to the chair he said alarm clock. The newspaper said he
the mirror he said chair.
The clock said photo album.
The cabinet said newspaper.
the carpet, he told cabinet. The picture he said
And the photo album he said Spiegel.

So: In the morning the old man remained for a long lie in the image, the bell rang at nine photo album The man got up and stood on the cabinet to prevent it was cold to the feet, then took his clothes from the newspaper, put on, looked into the chair on the wall, then sat down at the clock on the carpet, and leafed through the mirror until he found the table of his mother.

The guy found it funny, and he practiced all day and coined a new word. Now everything was changed: He was now no longer a man, but a walk, and walk one morning and the morning a man was

Now you can continue writing the story itself. And then you can, as it was the man to replace the other words:

ring is place,
look is cold,
lie is ringing,
want is cold, scroll means asking

So that it then reads the old man on foot was long ringing in the picture, the photo album at nine, presented on the foot was cold and the leaves out of the closet, so he did not look in the morning.

The old man bought a blue exercise books and wrote them fully with the new words, and he had much to do with it, and he was seen only rarely on the road. Then he learned the new names for all things, forgetting more and more the right. He now had a new language that belonged to him alone. But soon he also found it difficult to translate, he had forgotten his old language almost, and he had to find the right words in his blue books. And he was afraid to talk to people. He had a long think about how people say things.

His image tell people bed. His people say
carpet table. His alarm clock
people say chair. His bed
people say newspaper. His chair
people say mirror. His photo album
people say alarm.
His newspaper people say cabinet. His cabinet
people say carpet. His mirror
people say photo album.
his table tell the people image.

And it came to such a that the man had to laugh when he heard people talk.

He had to laugh when he heard someone say, "Go tomorrow to the football game?" Or if someone said, "Now it's raining just two months." Or if someone said. "I had an uncle in America."

He had to laugh because he does not understand all this.

But a funny story is not. She started listening to sad and sad. The old man in a gray jacket could not understand the people that was not so bad.

was much worse, they could no longer understand it. And so he said nothing more.

He said nothing, only with itself, not even greeted.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

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professional deformation - ikkyo

missed my vocation as a doctor and my love of physics and mechanics lead me to seek other interpretations of some techniques.

Today I found several documents made by physicians (mostly practitioners of Aikido) and it seems that for some engineer also (apparently more upset than me), that add flavor to the concept of Ikkyo.
Some of the things I read opened my head and even made me think that I have not mastered a very basic and so complicated at a time (to paraphrase Sensei Adolfo).

transcribe a summary of several things, armed in the form of a single idea.

The idea is to see the ikkyo, sankyo nikyo and techniques not only anatomical but as geometric principles equivalent to a fastball, a curve and a spiral.


The chief instructor of the Aikido club, Univ of Texas (orthopedic doctor) said that any variant of ikkyo perform the same function and serve the same purpose, the shoulder of the attacker move forward enough to tip up to the hip. Once a system moves away from its support structure, the collapse is inevitable.
This concept is primary, and covers all types of attack and all sorts of defensive technique.

Here the concept of gravity as a vertical line along which the objects should be aligned if we intend to keep them standing. Ikkyo applied, this line will to be the "fall vector, which lacks support structure and which does not act any other force that generates a time forward (a lever forward).

We can extend this principle of the straight line to another example. An attacker who has the intention of attacking anyone, "draws" a straight line between him and his goal (no matter how you reach your goal.) If the victim manages to interpret that line, or perceived, can act accordingly before it's physical contact between them. A Ikkyo applied for this level of perception will have no other consequence than success.
Thus, this straight "Attraction" between aggressor and victim constitutes the first basic principle. Understanding this will allow us to build the foundation for the rest of the techniques.

closing, the simplest form of Ikkyo is understood as an extended arm by removing the shoulder and body support his point, and then lowering it, without twisting or bending the arm.

Thus we can classify the Ikkyo in Aikido as a one-dimensional technique.