Claudian Claudio
(free version in English by Gabriela Brown)
The hard God, overcome by these words and the dignity of the crying, feels the
anxiety of first love. Then she dried her eyes with her dark blue cloak and comforts her sad pain in a calm tone: "Let your mind be troubled, Proserpina, with worry and fear bleak nonsense. It will offer senior kingdoms and not suffer the marriage of a husband unworthy. I am the son of Saturn, I submit the structure of the universe and my power extends into the infinite void. Do not believe the day lost. We have other stars, we have other regions. You will see a purer light, will look with great admiration the sun Elisio and pious people. There is a most valuable age, race lives have forever gold and what the inhabitants of the area were once. Nor'll have plenty of soft grass, there radiate their fragrance to better zephyrs flowers that are eternal, not like you gave your Etna. In our lush forests are also rich tree, which has tilted the bright branches of the live weight of metal. Will be devoted to you You retain opulent fall and always be full of yellow fruit. I say little. All that embraces the transparent air, all that nourishes the earth, everything that drag the sea, which stir the rivers, which were grown in the gaps and all that lives above the lunar cycle, around the seventh sky and separates mortals from the eternal stars, assign equal to your powers. At your feet come the kings who wear purple when put aside the luxury and mix with the crowd humble (all equals death). You shall be to punish the guilty, the grant rest to the fair. With you as a judge, the criminals will be forced to declare the evil deeds cometidas en vida. Recibe, junto con la corriente del Leteo, a las Parcas como esclavas: que lo que desees sea el destino.”

De raptu Proserpinae (frag.) 2,273-306
de Claudius Claudianus
Talibus ille ferox dictis fletuque decoro
uincitur et primi suspiria sensit amoris.
tunc ferrugineo lacrimas detergit amictu
et placida maestum solatur uoce dolorem:
‘desine funestis animum Proserpina, curis
et uano uexare metu. maiora dabuntur
sceptra nec indigni taedas patiere mariti.
ille ego Saturni proles cui machina rerum
seruit et immensum tendit per inane potestas.
amissum ne crede diem: sunt altera nobis
sidera, sunt orbes alii, lumenque uidebis
purius Elysiumque magis mirabere solem
cultoresque pios, illic pretiosior aetas,
aurea progenies habitat, semperque tenemus
quod superi meruere semel. nec mollia derunt
prata tibi; Zephyris illic melioribus halant
perpetui flores, quos nec tua protulit Aetna.
est etiam lucis arbor praediues opacis
fulgentes uiridi ramos curuata metallo:
haec tibi sacra datur fortunatumque tenebis
autumnum et fuluis semper ditabere pomis.
parua loquor: quidquid liquidus complectitur aer,
quidquid alit tellus, quidquid maris aequora uerrunt,
quod fluuii uoluunt, quod nutriuere paludes,
cuncta tuis pariter cedent animalia regnis
lunari subiecta globo, qui septimus auras
ambit et aeternis mortalia separat astris.
sub tua purpurei uenient uestigia reges
deposito luxu turba cum paupere mixti
–omnia mors aequat–; tu damnatura nocentes,
tu requiem latura piis, te iudice sontes
inproba cogentur uitae commissa fateri.
accipe Lethaeo famulas cum gurgite Fates;
fatum quodcumque uoles sit. "
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