Let's keep adding little by little several concepts and techniques of Aikido or other martial arts.
we will show not only the technical but we will try to add different interpretations of the attacks, defenses, and in cases we can, we will see the contratécnica, ie, the shape of a key or escape from detention.
It should be noted, and as they said in Titanes, this should not be practiced at home or without the presence of a trained instructor for this purpose because they can suffer major injuries, and to misunderstand the point of considering technical useless .
The set of immobilization techniques of Aikido are 5, your name starts with numbers from 1 to 5 ... ichi, no, san, shi (or yon), go, and then are Ikkyo, Nikyo, Sankyo, Yonkyo and Gokyo.
Ikkyo Today we begin with the first basic technique of immobilization. What is? Breathing, in and score. I will quote one sentence saying Ikkyo O'Sensei regarding ... "iriminage, shihonage, 10 years of practice, Ikkyo, a lifetime."
"To wake up every morning, the mind must be open, free of what happened the previous day, that way we must approach each Ikkyo." Studying the Ikkyo
should be aware not only of the center itself and the opponent, but also the center created out of this relationship, the de-ai, or meeting point. Be prepared to control the physical contact. Since the beginning of the attack begins the movement itself, if the opponent attacks frank and decided, go ahead, this is part of "communication." If the communication ends, the motion stops, if you change position after starting the attack and the opponent does not adapt to that change, this omission means defeat.
should aspire to partner in a vacuum generated by physical contact. Then divert their strength to the center itself.
The opponent must be conducted with precision, the look, the ki, the mind, the arms should follow his force to join. It must involve force and make it break like a wave of the sea. Never be rejected because we would be involved in it.

At the time of contact should be avoided impact with the force. Should bend attacker's elbow and then remove him describing a spiral motion with the hand that was attacked. Extends this movement, and a circular drive, takes his side to the center. So the body is controlled by the attacker. At that point you start work balance, deciding whether or omote ura passes.
control of the situation is the essence of the movement. To control the situation, one must master the spiritual gravity, ie, we must communicate and understand the opponent's strength. We must learn to control both the opponent and yourself. Hence
is sometimes as interesting practice with fellow Dojo ikkyo us who are familiar with there is some affinity, one can sense the enthusiasm in practice and that positive energy in permanent collaboration with our learning.

Those who have tried to practice this with a friend or relative is not related to Aikido or martial arts, you will surely find an insult to be done to shake a partner or have caused severe pain in the shoulder or elbow. This is because neither are real intention to attack or defend. Ikkyo
But if we apply with full consciousness and in a real situation, I am quite sure that the result would be amazing.
remains as homework interpretation de este concepto a sus vidas, a sus actitudes y las de los demás...¿Cuántas veces tuve que hacer Ikkyo en mi trabajo, en mi casa? ¿Cuántas veces me anticipé al problema o al ataque y logré resolver la situación sin ser dañado y sin dañar a nadie? ¿Cuánto más tengo que practicar de la vida para aplicar Ikkyo?...Podemos seguir buscando aplicaciones cotidianas de Ikkyo, sus variantes y sus contratécnicas, pero por el momento los dejo para que reflexionen.