Bueno, quiero pedir sinceras disculpas por haberme tomado estas vacaciones tan largas en mi blog. Han pasado muchas cosas que no vienen al caso and have derived most of my energy to be addressed and resolved.
Today I am recovering the calm of a little, and return to spend the time daily to reading and writing.
thank all those who were constantly vigilant and insistent with my back.
thank those who made me Stamina in all, everyone knows of whom I speak.
Without diverting attention from the main topic of this page, I've been thinking for some time with what topic again, and the truth that the list is huge. So I decided to start doing something that was often raised in the blog but never directly, a simple and humble tribute to the Master.
I do not want this to be misinterpreted tribute, in every aspect of our lives we will have our teachers and friends, in fact I have them in my private life, family, in my professional life, and my martial life, but to respect the concept of the blog, speak only of You will look martial parallelism and seek their own Master to pay tribute, on the look they want.
What I want to convey is that while I am an absolute fan of martial arts since I was 12 or 13 years, it was not until I met my teachers that I began to understand, study and practice the true philosophy of the arts martial. So far it was simply a more practical, a method combat, and even a sport, after this change I'm talking about, martial arts, especially Aikido, became a fundamental part of my life.
all have something in our lives that becomes interesting, fun. In my case, joined by the philosophy that the martial arts have made my life much more fun and interesting nuances that I had until that time. Moreover, I managed to hold on to much codes or basic values, to leave much more superficial and deeper look at things, the true sense. Sometimes it plays very much against because one becomes more aware of things that keep us moving and has to go aside.
Sometimes, however, this deep search to rediscover and enhance certain relationships I had neglected.
not go into too much detail, the idea is to meditate a little about our main tasks, those that made us get where we are today, and recognize those who gave us the tools, knowledge, support, or Simply hold the accompaniment, the famous "give forward that I will support" ... everything that ultimately enabled us to achieve our objectives.
To those people we must be, eternally grateful and pay tribute. I
I insist, I propose my examples exclusively from the point of view of the martial arts. The teachers I had in my private life and professionally I have fully identified and not a day goes by that we did not express my gratitude, whether by words, acts, or a simple kiss I hope to be able to interpret. But I will not discuss them here.
In my case about my martial aspect, I consider as my primary master Adolfo, but today a friend Maestro. The enthusiasm and knowledge that gave me made me more dedicated to the commitment to deepen all the concepts of this philosophy of life so interesting. To him I am totally grateful, gave me many ideas and I turned many lights on the way that allowed me to be much better person.
I owe him much of this fanaticism and madness, both welcome. Down here are some photos of Maestrini when I was young (hehe, sorry, younger). They can also learn more about him on the links I have in "friendly sites" and "site of Sensei" and "Our Dojo."
Go with this my most sincere and humble tribute to Adolfini and I hope you can find their own teachers, and pay them the tribute they deserve. If possible would be even better let them know.

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