Friday, September 5, 2008

Packaged Unit Vs Split Unit

Quod nullus Studens ludat ... That Tinguem Sort

University of Montpellier, 1339
(free version in English by Gabriela Brown)
That no student plays: (...)
establish, under pain of excommunication, that no student, either within or outside the home, may intervene in the dice, another game of chance or any other recreational activity where you can lose money (... )
dance that no student away from home: (...)
establish, under pain of excommunication, that no doctor, teacher or student can dance away from home or from other students, whatever the reasons or circumstances.
Quod nullus Studens ludat
University of Montpellier, 1339
Quod nullus studens ludat:
(…) Statuimus quod nulli scolastici, sub poena excommunicationis, intra vel extra domos quasinhabitant, ludant ad taxillos, aleas, vel alias quovis ludo, in quo pecunia perdi possit (…)
Quod nullus studens tripudiet extra domum:
(…) Statuimus quod nullus Doctor, Baccalarius, vel Scolaris, extra domum suam vel scolarium aliorum,ex quavis occasione vel causa, sub excommunicationis poena, tripudiet.


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