Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Kate Playground Harcord

The Formation of Character in the Martial Arts The origin of

The phenomenon of expansion of the martial arts is something we now know well. In any city in the world today you can find gyms, schools, academies, which teach these disciplines from mainly from the East.

If we review the history of these schools, we will realize that they are more than just a sport or a system of self defense. Originally

founding masters of martial arts schools, proposed through them an education, character formation.

What is character education? Character Education

not mean changing the character of the people, but to improve it. As you correctly stated, the character is like a statue, each has his own and can not be changed by its neighbor. What you can do is clean, polish, improve it to make it a beautiful statue.

In our current concept of education are taught mathematics, natural sciences, literature and computing. Thus, we acquire some intellectual knowledge that gives us a "varnish" of culture that most of the time no more than superficial.

not teach us to cultivate character, we are not taught concentration, or attention, or strategy, nor how to act from fear or face everyday problems.

This makes it psychologically weaker than we often believe. Often we see that a person college is just as baffled by a problem in life than one that barely literate. Teachers

founders of martial arts schools as Gichin Funakoshi, Jigoro Kano, Morihei Ueshiba, So Doshin and others, sought a full personal training through martial arts, creating a path of self and knowledge.

I'll try to give some examples of how to build character in the practice of martial arts.

When a newcomer arrives at a school of martial arts, can not do almost anything you ask, but through discipline, is gradually developing a range of moves and techniques. Esto le aporta al carácter humildad (que no es menospreciarse ni sobrevalorarse) y capacidad de trabajo y nos enseña que la autodisciplina es una gran herramienta, un gran "poder".

Otro ejemplo clásico son las cosas que suceden en un combate. Por ejemplo, si uno es indeciso, pierde. Si es precipitado e irreflexivo, acaba estrellando sus narices en el puño de su adversario. En el combate hay un momento justo para hacer las cosas y uno debe estar concentrado para aprovechar la oportunidad.

¿Cuántas veces perdemos en la vida por no desarrollar la autodisciplina?. ¿Cuántas veces la indecisión nos hace perder el tren de los acontecimientos? ¿Cuántas veces perdemos la oportunidad por not be ready when it occurs? ... here's another list of applications to the everyday life of the martial arts.

And so, countless things that make martial arts will become something that can give a great contribution to life. Originally

combat martial arts taught to fight on battlefields, but when there are large periods of peace, teachers, school founders generate a kind of combat that has educational features, cognitive, focusing on things like courtesy , righteousness, sinlessness, training the people who went to these schools to learn to deal with situations where the person feels presionada y les enseñaban a desarrollar esa rara cualidad que llamamos Serenidad, que es una de las cosas más valiosas que estas artes nos pueden aportar.

Por eso estos grandes maestros, después de 30, 40 ó 50 años de práctica, seguían perfeccionándose, ¿es que no sabrían defenderse ya después de todo ese tiempo?.

Quizás buscaban el cultivo de esa serenidad y por eso seguían practicando.

Por eso el maestro Gichin Funakoshi decía: "Lo importante en el Karate-Do no es la victoria ni la derrota de sus participantes, sino la formación del carácter"

A todo este proceso, los maestros japoneses le llamaron Budo, o that is, the martial arts as a means of transcendent knowledge.

Today, this type of approach in many cases been lost. Martial arts have become polarized in sports gear or defense without any important feature. This has meant that they have gained in popularity, but have lost in depth. Schools must seek traditional, classical, to teach the principles creators of them and avoid schools that preach violence, defeat the opponent, because they are concepts that really make us even further back than the origin of these arts and lead us to the caveman

So today many international instructors and are getting to be interested in a process that involves a much more profound of these arts. A process involving without losing its ability martial or sport or health (which are aspects inherent in these arts), allow a useful learning for men and women of our time to teach us to respond effectively to everyday problems, our fears and our insecurities appears.

Then again become important character development. Then these arts can again become an important way that leads us to be a little stronger, a little kinder, a little wiser.


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