Friday, September 17, 2010

Would A Hernia Make My Testicle Hurt


Everyone knows the beautiful flower of mimosa, because in this acacion I suggest a cake / pie that looks like mimosa flowers, a cake / pie delicious and sure to delight your family!

(now eh teneido several problems to make this recipe, the photos did not come, the letters were erased or left Enline etc, I hope that the effort was worth hihihiihi)

For the cake:
75 gr flour
75 g of cornstarch
1 pinch of salt
5 eggs
1 teaspoon small of vanilla sugar
150 gr sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder / baking soda / powder Royal

To cream pastry: 70 g
flour 500 ml of milk

half the grated lemon peel 6

eggs 2 tsp vanilla sugar little 180 gr sugar

For the filling:
500 g of whipped cream
1 jar / bottle of 500 grams of pineapple coserva
100 gr powdered sugar / sugar flower / sugar glace

d ela Prepare the cake as follows: Put

eggs, sugar and a pinch of salt in a dish ....

Beat for 15 minutes until the mixture becomes spongy and more clear ....

Then add the flour, cornstarch and vanilla sugar, baking powder / baking powder / baking powder sifted (passed through a strainer to prevent lumps) and mix gently ....


Butter a round pan and add the preparation inside, gently place in the oven at 180 ° C bake for 35 to 40 minutes ( not open the oven during the first half hour and preheat the oven ).....

Check bizcoho cooking the as shown here and remove from oven, reserving ....

Apart-Prepare whipped cream as shown here: Book. Apart

To prepare pastry cream as furniture Stra here: Book.

Now we set up the cake / cake mimosa if the Gillen manner:

Cut the top layer of the cake gently (as pictured) reserve the layer ...

Then cut a circle on the cake, leaving a border of 2 to 3 cm ( should not break until the end, we only make a big hole in the middle to later fill our cake / cake, leaving a pool of 2 cm thick as shown in the images )....

Then cut the inside we have removed the cake into strips and then into small cubes (you can also rub the pieces on the palms of the hands bizcoho for balls, you can do according to his inspiration )....

Then dip a little background and the around the bizcoho with pineapple juice ....

few rounds of pineapple cut into small cubes, dried well.

Gently mix whipped cream with the custard, split the preparation in 2 and 2 separate sources, add pineapple chunks in a dish (this will use to fill the pie / cake )....

Fill the cake with the cream where we have added the pineapple chunks and "cover" the filling with the layer cake that had booked at the beginning of the recipe. ...

Cover with the rest of the cream ...

and top with slices of cake trying to glue it to the cream, put a little powdered sugar / icing sugar / powdered sugar over ....

Let stand 2 hours minimum in the resfrigerador before serving ......

is delicious!

Bon appetit!


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